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Personality Disorders

Personality is the way of thinking, feeling, and behaving that makes you different from other people. An individual's personality is influenced by experiences, their environment, and inherited characteristics. Aspects of personality include the way people think about themselves, how they relate to people, how they interpret and deal with events in the environment, and how they react emotionally to all of this. Personality disorders often affect at least two of those areas. Types of personality disorder include: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder,  Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder. 

Personality Disorders photo

Symptoms of Personality Disorders

  • History of unstable relationships

  • Impulsive or reckless behavior or decisions

  • Chronic feelings of emptiness

  • Inability to control emotions

  • Emotional response that is excessive or out of proportion

  • See yourself as unstable or weak

  • Worry about what others may think of you

  • Difficulty regulating emotions

  • Problems maintaining friendships

Personality Disorders Screener

If you answered Yes to two or more of these questions, then you may have one or more personality disorders. 


If you would like a more thorough evaluation to determine if you have a personality disorder, if you believe you have a personality disorder and would like to discuss treatment options, or if you feel your current treatment is not addressing your personality disorder, then please click here to request an appointment.


Additional information about Personality Disorders can be found here


Do you experience episodes of mood instability or have excessive emotional reactions?


Do you have a lot of anxiety or concern regarding your self-image, personal appearance, or how others view you?


Do you have a history of unstable relationships, frequent breakups, or difficulty being alone? 


Do you have a history of impulsive or reckless actions or decisions that affect you emotionally, physically, or financially?


Do you feel you need to be the "center of attention" or has anyone said you were "self-centered"?

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